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Some of Our Favorite Gun Quotes
- If your wife is mad at you...go buy a gun. She'll still be mad, but you'll have a new gun!
- 9MM Beats 9*1*1 Every Time.
- LEAD The Other Precious Metal
- Gun-free Safe Zones - Providing Helpless Targets For Mass Murderers Since 1991
- Point and Click Means You're Out Of Ammo
- Guns Are Dangerous. The Only Thing More Dangerous Is Not Having Them. G. Edward Griffin
- Laws that forbid the carrying of arms disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes - Thomas Jefferson
- *The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Security
- With Guns We Are Citizens. Without Them We Are Subjects.
- If the first amendment doesn't work, the second amendment will - Michael Badnarik
- The Second Amendment Should Have Been First
- Participating in a gun buyback is like having yourself castrated because you believe that the neighbors have too many kids.
- I carry a gun because a cop is just too heavy.
- I cling to my guns and my religion because it is my RIGHT to do that, not because I'm bitter about anything. See the 1st and 2nd Amendments for clarification.
- The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government..... When the people fear their government there is tyranny, when the government fears the people, there is liberty." - Thomas Jefferson
- "Arms discourage and keep the invader and plunderer in awe, and preserve Order in the world as well as property . . . Horrid mischief would ensue were the law-abiding deprived of the use of them." - Thomas Paine
- .44 magnum for when you have seconds to live and the police are only minutes away.
- It is always better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6. And you can take that to the bank.
- Shooting Advice: Cops carry guns to protect themselves, not to protect you.
- Never let someone or something that threatens you get inside arm’s length and never say "I’ve got a gun". If you feel you need to use deadly force, for heaven’s sake let the first sound they hear be the safety clicking off. They shouldn't have time to hear anything after that if you are doing your job.
- The average response time of a 911 call is over 23 minutes, the response time of a 9mm/.357 or .44 magnum is 1400 feet per second.
- The most important rule in a gunfight is: Always win - and cheat if necessary.
- Make your attacker advance through a wall of bullets. You may get killed with your own gun, but he'll have to beat you to death with it, cause it's going to be empty.
- If you end up in a gun fight, if you're not shooting, you should be loading. If you're not loading, you should be moving, if you're not moving, your dead.
- In a life and death situation, do something. It may be wrong, but do something.
- If you carry a gun, people will call you paranoid. That's ridiculous. If you have a gun, what in the hell do you have to be paranoid for?
- You can say 'stop' or 'alto' or use any other word you think will work, but *I've found that a large bore muzzle pointed at someone's head is pretty much the universal language."
- You have the rest of your life to solve your problems. How long you live depends on how well you do it.
- You cannot save the planet, but you may be able to save yourself and your family.
- A woman who demands further gun control legislation is like a chicken who roots for Colonel Sanders ~ Larry Elder